PowerPhotos 1.5.5 Download

Release Notes

PowerPhotos 1.5.5 – Manage and find duplicates in multiple Photos libraries. PowerPhotos allows you to break up your Photos.app images among multiple.

Version 1.7.11 (released 3/12/2020)

  • Fix an error that would be displaying trying to drag photos from the Finder into a newly created library
  • Copying a Live Photo that has been edited now preserves the video component
  • Fixed a crash that could occur loading a library with photos missing certain metadata
  • Smart albums no longer display a 0 KB size on macOS 10.15
  • Fixed a bug where the selected duplicate rule would not be saved between runs if it was one of the built-in rules
  • Fixed a bug where the “Keep photo in any album” duplicate rule wouldn’t work properly on macOS 10.15

Version 1.7.10 (released 2/21/2020)

  • Fixed an error that could occur when merging a library with an album that’s missing its name
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when reloading a library on macOS 10.14

Version 1.7.9 (released 2/11/2020)

  • Fixed a bug where the notification shown after performing a copy would report that 0 photos were copied
  • Photos with missing dates now show a blank date instead of the photo’s modification date
  • Improve responsiveness after making changes in Photos and then bringing PowerPhotos back to the front
  • The selection in the photo browser is now preserved correctly when reloading after detecting the library has been changed
  • Improved loading speed when selecting a different library in the PowerPhotos library list
  • PowerPhotos can no longer display the people identified in a photo due to new privacy restrictions implemented by Apple in macOS Catalina
  • Fixed some cases where a “Could not read edit list” error would prevent copying the edited version of a photo

Version 1.7.8 (released 1/16/2020)

  • Per-library view settings are now retained properly when switching libraries
  • Fixed a bug when merging where some albums within nested folders would not be recreated properly
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when viewing certain libraries in PowerPhotos
  • Fixed an issue on macOS 10.15.2 where PowerPhotos would take a long time to display large libraries
  • Fixed an error message that would be displayed when trying to copy a smart album to another library
  • Fixed an issue where some iCloud libraries with the “Optimize Mac Storage” option enabled would only show some of their locally downloaded photos
  • Disabling copying of photo information in PowerPhotos preferences is now respected properly on macOS 10.15
  • Fixed cases where an incorrect date would be applied to a photo that was imported directly from the Finder into a photo library via PowerPhotos
  • Fixed a crash opening Photos via PowerPhotos when the active library was not in the PowerPhotos library list

Version 1.7.7 (released 12/24/2019)

  • Fixed an issue where some merges would stall on macOS 10.15.2
  • Changed titles in the Image menu to be more clear
  • Improved performance when scrolling in the duplicate browser
  • Improved performance when evaluating duplicate rules

Version 1.7.6 (released 11/21/2019)

Tap forms 5.0.10 download

  • Fix using return key to toggle duplicates between keeper/trash
  • If PowerPhotos needs to be granted access to Photos in System Preferences, we now show a message explaining that rather than showing the library as being empty
  • When renaming a library, we no longer display the renaming dialog if you haven’t actually changed the library’s name
  • PowerPhotos no longer excludes photos with a “duplicate” keyword from a duplicate search if you had enabled that option before it was removed a few versions ago
  • Libraries created on macOS 10.14 no longer need to be upgraded by Photos when opened for the first time
  • Reenable a workaround on macOS 10.14 for a Photos issue where it will start refusing to import some photos following a long series of imports
  • Fixed a crash when dragging multiple libraries from the Finder into the Source Libraries section of the merge setup screen
  • The “Combine Album Contents” option now works correctly when merging into an existing library on macOS 10.15

Version 1.7.5 (released 11/11/2019)

  • Fixed a crash when loading libraries containing some photos lacking creation dates

Version 1.7.4 (released 11/4/2019)

  • Update version recognition for libraries on 10.15.1
  • Dates with custom time zones now have those time zones preserved when copying between libraries on 10.15
  • Fixed a bug where HDR Live Photos would not have their videos copied
  • You can now drag a Photos library onto the PowerPhotos app icon to add it to the library list
  • Control-clicking a photo in grid view now shows the same contextual menu as right clicking
  • Improved progress display when submitting logs in the Contact Support window

Version 1.7.3 (released 10/21/2019)

  • Fixed a crash that could occur after the currently active library was deleted from disk
  • Fix a crash that could occur when creating a new library in certain setups
  • Fixed a crasher that could occur on launch when PowerPhotos preferences were corrupted in a certain way
  • Fixed a bug where the duplicate browser would not properly display photos on macOS Mojave
  • Fixed a problem where PowerPhotos wouldn’t launch on macOS 10.14.1

Version 1.7.2 (released 10/11/2019)

  • Fixed a bug that could prevent libraries from displaying for some users on macOS 10.14.5
  • Fixed a bug where the duplicate browser would not properly display photos on macOS Mojave

Version 1.7.1 (released 10/8/2019)

  • Fixed a bug that would cause PowerPhotos not to launch on Mojave for some users

Version 1.7 (released 10/7/2019)

  • PowerPhotos now supports macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • Added the ability to copy both the original photo and preserve edits when copying between libraries (10.15 only)
  • Duplicate photos can now be deleted directly instead of having to collect them into an album and delete them manually (10.15 only)
  • Initial display of a library is much faster when running on 10.15
  • Calculating the size of the currently selected album is now done in the background
  • The “Show in Moment” menu item now reads “Show in Photos album” on macOS 10.15 since moments no longer exist on 10.15
  • Added keyboard shortcuts to items in the “Image” menu
  • Improved thumbnail loading performance when scrolling quickly through the photo browser
  • Copying a non-JPEG with the “Copy Edited JPGs” option no longer puts the non-JPEG extension on the filename in the destination library

Version 1.6.4 (released 8/21/2019)

  • Fixed an issue where Photos would be relaunched more often than necessary during a long merge

Version 1.6.3 (released 8/6/2019)

  • Display the correct version number for libraries created on macOS 10.14.6
  • Fixed a bug where, when copying multiple albums from inside a folder, only one album would be recreated in the destination library
  • Fixed an issue where PowerPhotos could hang on startup if the user has a large number of libraries in their library list
  • Fixed an issue where per-library Photos preferences would not be preserved when switching libraries
  • Fixed a bug where clicking the green checkmark next to a library would not always activate that library

Version 1.6.2 (released 5/31/2019)

  • Simplified the duplicate selection process, eliminating some seldom used options and adding a walkthrough screen for deleting the extra duplicates in Photos afterwards
  • Fixed a regression that could cause library indexing to be much slower
  • If all photos in a duplicate group are missing on disk, we now mark one as a keeper rather than recommending to trash all of them
  • Improve duplicate logging to make clear when multiple duplicates are referencing the same master photo
  • The “Select in Photos” command now also selects the current album
  • Added a “Quick Look” item to the “Image” menu

Version 1.6.1 (released 5/16/2019)

  • PowerPhotos now properly recognizes the version of Photos libraries from macOS 10.14.5
  • Grid view now shows the correct duration for trimmed movies
  • Quick Look now shows the correct version of videos that have been trimmed
  • Fixed a bug where incorrect thumbnails could be displayed in a merge preview
  • When merging with the “Copy unedited originals” option, we no longer show thumbnails for the edited version of the photo in the merge preview
  • Hidden photos are no longer treated as hidden in a merge preview, since they will no longer be hidden when they are actually copied across
  • Fixed a bug reading libraries from Photos 1.5 and earlier
  • Fixed a bug that would result in a “Could not determine version of library” error
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent importing photos from the Finder from working properly
  • Fixed a memory leak when browsing photos

Version 1.6 (released 4/2/2019)

  • Added support for copying both the photo and video portion of a Live Photo when copying or merging
  • When copying edited versions of photos, we now preserve the original photo’s filename (e.g. “IMG_0001.JPG” instead of “fullsizeoutput_123.jpeg”)
  • Rewrote grid view using modern APIs, which will allow us to add more nifty new browsing features going forward
  • Favorite photos are now marked with a heart icon in grid view
  • Movies now show their duration in grid view
  • In grid view, we now show filenames underneath photos that don’t have a title set
  • Using Quick Look in the photo browser (e.g. by pressing the space bar) now displays Live Photos including the attached video
  • The photo browser scroll position no longer resets to the top after reloading a library
  • Added a new “Image” menu containing the commands found in the photo browser contextual menu
  • Improved reliability of loading thumbnails in list view and the duplicate browser
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when viewing certain photos with missing metadata
  • Replace usage of “iCloud Photo Library” with Apple’s new “iCloud Photos” terminology
  • When the “Optimize Mac Storage” option is enabled in iCloud Photos, we now show a message above the image browser explaining why not all photos show up in PowerPhotos
  • Fixed a crash that could occur after cancelling a multi-library search

Version 1.5.8 (released 3/18/2019)

  • Fixed an issue where Photos crashing would halt an operation in PowerPhotos with a code 2001 error message
  • Fixed a bug where the complete list of found duplicate groups wouldn’t be logged during a duplicate search
  • Work around a Photos bug on Mojave that could cause photos not to be added to albums located inside a folder when copying/merging
  • Improved loading times for libraries with a large number of moments
  • A library being temporarily unavailable (e.g. on a disconnected external disk) no longer triggers a full reindexing of the library the next time it appears
  • Improved ability for PowerPhotos to display certain libraries that have database corruption

Version 1.5.7 (released 2/12/2019)

  • We now give a more descriptive error message when trying to migrate a library that’s still in a Time Machine backup
  • Worked around an issue where Photos would have trouble migrating an iPhoto library if it was missing its file extension
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when dragging certain photos from PowerPhotos to the Finder
  • Improved library indexing performance
  • Fixed a broken help link in the iCloud warning alert sheet

Version 1.5.6 (released 12/19/2018)

  • Fixed a problem where the PowerPhotos migration screen wouldn’t identify the version of older iPhoto/Aperture libraries properly
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a library to be unnecessarily reindexed, taking a long time to load
  • Fixed a bug where some photos would not appear correctly when viewing the system photo library

Version 1.5.5 (released 12/11/2018)

  • Fixed a bug where albums in a folder that is sorted by name would not be displayed in the correct order
  • Smart albums with a “Photo is referenced” rule now display the correct photos
  • Fixed a bug when merging libraries with certain overlapping folder hierarchies that would cause some albums not to be created
  • Improved drawing performance in grid view for certain libraries with manually rotated photos
  • Cancelling a long operation while loading a library’s data now stops the operation much more quickly
  • Fixed a bug in merge preview where photos from the destination library would be labeled as “Imported” rather than with the name of the library
  • Added a “Quick Tour” window demonstrating PowerPhotos features on first launch

Version 1.5.4 (released 11/20/2018)

  • Fixed a crash when using the “Show in Moment” contextual menu item in the photo browser
  • Cleaned up logging of extraneous duplicate information during photo copying
  • Fixed an issue where no photos would be displayed when selecting a folder in the album list
  • We no longer return a disk full error when duplicating a large library on an APFS disk
  • Fixed an error loading certain libraries, “Attempted to access unknown result column imageDate”
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if one of PowerPhotos’ cache files got corrupted

Version 1.5.3 (released 11/2/2018)

  • Fixed a bug where trying to drag a large number of photos from the photo browser would not work correctly

Version 1.5.2 (released 10/30/2018)

  • Fixed an issue where trying to delete a library after a merge or duplicate search would claim that the library was still in use by that operation
  • Fixed a bug where dragging photos from grid view would not display the images while dragging them
  • Added HEIC as an option when creating a custom duplicate rule for choosing which format of photo you want to keep
  • Double clicking a library in PowerPhotos once again brings Photos to the front if the library was already open
  • Fixed a bug where the contextual menu would show up twice when right clicking in grid view

Version 1.5.1 (released 10/11/2018)

  • Fixed a “journal entry has no modelId” error that could occur indexing certain libraries
  • Fixed an issue where an error transferring a photo could be logged twice
  • Fixed a bug where changes made to custom duplicate rules would not always be saved properly after relaunching PowerPhotos
  • Fixed a “Non-string value for string atom” error that could occur trying to load certain libraries

Version 1.5 (released 9/24/2018)

  • Added support for dark mode on macOS Mojave
  • Added support for Photos 4.0 libraries on macOS Mojave
  • Fixed a bug on macOS Mojave where the photo browser would not initially show any photos until you selected a different album
  • Fixed a “No adjustmentUuid found for version X” error when loading certain libraries
  • Fixed a bug on macOS Mojave where libraries could not be dropped into the Find Duplicates or Merge Libraries setup screens
  • Fixed an error that could occur trying to load the system library that claimed the library was not valid

Version 1.4.2 (released 6/25/2018)

  • We now show the correct photos for smart albums with a “Date is/is not in the last X years” rule
  • Fixed a problem where the in-app store window wouldn’t load on the first try
  • In cases where Photos hangs upon displaying its “What’s New in Photos” screen during a merge, copy, or duplicate search, we detect this and prompt the user to dismiss the screen manually
  • Fixed an issue where PowerPhotos would be unable to relaunch Photos if it crashed during a merge in some cases
  • Fixed a crasher when merging certain libraries with missing file references
  • Fixed an error that could occur when loading a library with photos that have no date assigned to them

Version 1.4.1 (released 5/16/2018)

  • Work around a Photos bug that would cause it to crash when trying to create an album with an empty name
  • Fixed an issue where importing new files into a library via PowerPhotos would return an error for movie files
  • Prevent resetting the image browser’s scroll position when checking for library changes
  • If a photo’s edited version is missing from the library, we now fall back to using the original when viewing the photo in full size and dragging the photo to the Finder
  • Fixed an error that could be displayed when trying to load certain photo libraries
  • Fixed an issue when encountering stray files while indexing a library

Version 1.4 (released 4/23/2018)

  • Added Touch Bar support
  • Added the ability to copy all photos from a burst instead of just the selected photo
  • Added support for preserving manually assigned locations when copying photos
  • Added a menu item to create a new album from a selection of photos in the PowerPhotos image browser
  • Hidden photos can now be copied between libraries
  • When a burst photo is selected, the info pane now shows the number of photos in the burst
  • After collecting duplicate photos into an album, we now select that album in the Photos app
  • When using the “Copy edited JPGs” setting for copying photos, we now fall back to the original if the edited JPG is missing on disk
  • PowerPhotos can now detect and copy the original HEIC versions of photos in the system photo library
  • Handle a new edge case relaunching Photos after it crashes during a merge

Version 1.3.8 (released 3/31/2018)

  • Show correct version number for libraries updated on macOS 10.13.4
  • Smart albums with an “Album is any” rule now display properly in a merge preview
  • Made some performance improvements when loading large libraries

Version 1.3.7 (released 2/22/2018)

  • Importing photos from the Finder into a library no longer creates a set of empty “media type” albums
  • Returning to PowerPhotos after renaming a library in the Finder no longer causes it to hang
  • Fixed an issue that could result in a “database is currently being used by another operation” error when trying to merge or copy photos
  • Fixed an issue where PowerPhotos would get stuck in a loop complaining about the destination library of a merge having changed after doing its initial analysis
  • Fixed a bug where PowerPhotos would not allow copying PDFs between libraries
  • Fixed a bug where PowerPhotos would refuse to open a Photos library if it was missing its file extension

Version 1.3.6 (released 2/2/2018)

  • Fixed an issue in forcing photos to always be copied into the library package even if the “Copy items to Photos library” option is disabled in Photos’ preferences
  • Fix a bug where we would hog a second CPU while indexing a library
  • Fixed a performance issue when selecting an album in a library with a large hierarchy of albums

Version 1.3.5 (released 1/9/2018)

  • Added a work around for issues reading locked libraries
  • When merging, we now add “from [library name]” to the end of the name of each “iPhoto Events” folder copied from one of the source libraries.
  • PowerPhotos now properly finds imported photos if Photos changes the case of the file extension
  • Fixed an issue where PowerPhotos could fail to relaunch Photos after it quit during a merge
  • Updated “Has custom name” duplicate criteria to better match Photos’ naming behavior
PowerPhotos 1.5.5 Download

Version 1.3.4 (released 12/14/2017)

  • Added a warning when merging/copying to work around a High Sierra hanging bug when no system library is set
  • Improved recovery from certain Photos crashing edge cases
  • Show correct version number for libraries on 10.13.2

Version 1.3.3 (released 11/21/2017)

  • Added a duplicate search option to allow/disallow matching photos of different formats (e.g. RAW vs. JPG)
  • You can now swipe left on a library to remove it from the library list
  • Fix a crash that could occur when trying to view certain libraries
  • Fixed a crash when trying to copy photos or merge into a Photos 1.0 library
  • Added better handling of cases where Photos would start refusing to import additional photos after a long series of imports
  • Improved recovery from certain Photos crashes while copying photos on High Sierra
  • Added a duplicate search option to allow/disallow common filename variations, e.g. “IMG8375.JPG” vs. “IMG8375_1.JPG”

Version 1.3.2 (released 11/1/2017)

  • We now display smart albums containing a “Date Added” rule properly
  • Worked around a bug where Photos would hang when trying to merge into a newly created library
  • We now display a notification when your iPhoto libraries have finished migrating

Version 1.3.1 (released 10/5/2017)

  • Fixed an error that would be displayed trying to load the system library on High Sierra if it was empty
  • When merging the system library into a new library, the various “media type” albums are now populated correctly in the merge preview
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent PowerPhotos from being able to read libraries on network volumes
  • Clicking the “Quit Photos” button when trying to duplicate a currently open library no longer causes PowerPhotos to hang
  • We no longer display the “eventFilterBarAlbum” album found in some libraries migrated from Aperture
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the “Copy the main Photos album from each source library” from working when merging
  • Media type albums are now recreated correctly when copied to another library
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when opening a library while PowerPhotos was still in the process of loading its data for display
  • Fixed a bug where albums would not be created when dragging a nested folder of photos from the Finder into a library

Version 1.3 (released 9/25/2017)

  • PowerPhotos now supports macOS High Sierra, and requires macOS Sierra or later
  • We now log an error message when trying to copy PICT files which are not supported by Photos
  • Improved handling of HEIF images synced to a macOS system that doesn’t support the format, e.g. Sierra
  • Duplicating a library on APFS volumes uses its “cloning” feature to take up less disk space
  • We now log error messages for photos missing file extensions that Photos won’t be able to import
  • Fixed an issue where the “Live Photos” album would not appear for some libraries
  • We now correctly regenerate the merge preview if the destination library was modified since generating the current preview
  • Fixed a bug where the “duplicates skipped” count in the log would be too high
  • Fixed an error that would result from returning from a merge preview to the setup screen then trying to start the merge again
  • Fixed an error that would be displayed after customizing duplicate selections during a merge and trying to return to the preview screen
  • Manually selecting a new duplicate as the one to keep during a merge now correctly unchecks the previous keeper
  • We now show a moving progress bar while loading a library’s data
  • We now add the system photo library to the library list on launch if it’s not there already

Version 1.2.3 (released 4/26/2017)

  • Fixed an error caused by a corrupt album record that could halt a merge operation
  • Fixed a crash that could occur opening the preferences window on El Capitan
  • Fixed a problem where libraries on macOS 10.12.0 would not be read correctly
  • We no longer display an error trying to load libraries on macOS 10.11.0

Version 1.2.2 (released 2/2/2017)

  • Improved recognition of default Photos library on non-English systems
  • Improved recognition of migrated iPhoto libraries on non-English systems
  • Improved recognition of new library when migrating an iPhoto library for a second time
  • Improved recognizing the resulting migrated library when original iPhoto library had no file extension
  • Fixed a bug in the migration assistant where a library could be shown as “In Progress” after quitting and relauching PowerPhotos
  • We now allow choosing an iPhoto library in the “Add Library” window, but explain that it needs to be migrated to Photos first
  • Fixed a crash caused by trying to display certain PICT files in the photo browser
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to view certain libraries
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to copy an album between libraries
  • Fixed an issue displaying some libraries created on macOS 10.2.2 or later
  • Clarified error message shown when a library can’t be displayed because there is ongoing background face/object recognition
  • When renaming a library, we can now present an option to rename it on disk at the same time
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent a log file from being created if its name was too long
  • We now display the correct icon for the new “Depth Effect” special album

Version 1.2.1 (released 10/24/2016)

  • Improve recovery when Photos crashes while restoring photo attributes during a copy/merge
  • Improved loading of large system photo libraries on macOS Sierra
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to import a large number of photos from the Finder
  • Removed unused “Show Tab Bar” menu item on Sierra
  • Fixed an error that could occur when trying to import nested folders of photos into a library
  • We now offer to upgrade a library when necessary before searching it for duplicates

Version 1.2 (released 9/22/2016)

  • Added a preference to customize the background color when browsing photos
  • Fixed an issue where a single photo could be copied to another library twice
  • Fixed a bug where some smart albums with a “Photo is X” criterion would not be populated correctly
  • Fix a crash that could occur during some long running merge operations
  • Added support for Photos 2.0 on macOS Sierra

Version 1.1.9 (released 8/15/2016)

  • Improved error message shown if a library can’t be loaded because Photos still has it open
  • Added troubleshooting information for cases where the system photo library fails to load
  • PowerPhotos now properly recognizes the system photo library when adding it back into the library list
  • Fixed an issue with filename collisions that could occur when copying photos edited in older versions of iPhoto
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent the in-app store from loading properly for some users
  • Removed a spurious “not a valid Photos library” message displayed when another error occurred trying to display a library

Version 1.1.8 (released 5/9/2016)

  • Fixed a bug where a Photos crash could cause PowerPhotos to get stuck in a loop and never finish merging
  • We no longer log error messages for .AAE and ._ files copied during a merge
  • Adjusted library size calculation to better match the Finder
  • Smart albums based on a date range now properly include photos in the final day of the range
  • Fixed an issue where some RAW photos would have a Kind of “JPEG” shown in the PowerPhotos info pane
  • The size shown in the PowerPhotos info pane for an edited photo now always matches what’s shown in the Photos info window
  • Fixed a bug when merging where the warning about iCloud storage optimization would be shown twice
  • Fixed an error that could occur when loading the system library if one or more photos were missing from the library
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to view a library that was completely missing its database files

Version 1.1.7 (released 3/2/2016)

  • Improve handling of Photos crashing while importing photos
  • Fixed a bug where a warning about merging an optimized iCloud library could be displayed even if storage optimization is disabled
  • If Photos crashes while assigning keywords to duplicate photos, we now relaunch Photos and continue
  • We now log relevant preference settings when copying or merging
  • Fixed an issue where the system library would not load properly on some systems
  • Fixed an issue where “Select in Photos” wouldn’t work if the underlying photo file was missing
  • Improved error messages shown when trying to access a library that’s part of a Time Machine backup.
  • “Enter Full Screen” menu item now reads “Exit Full Screen” when already in full screen mode
  • Updated Find Duplicates exclusion rules to reflect new album names
  • Updated Sparkle framework to fix security vulnerability

Version 1.1.6 (released 1/27/2016)

  • Improved display of library version numbers for brand new versions of Photos
  • We now relaunch Photos periodically when merging to work around a bug where Photos would start refusing to import photos after a large number of consecutive imports
  • Fixed a bug when copying a folder that lives inside another folder that would cause the folder and its albums to not be recreated in the destination library
  • If Photos crashes after importing a batch of photos, we now relaunch it and restore the photos’ metadata if possible rather than just moving on to the next batch
  • Fixed a crash that could occur after cancelling a library duplication
  • Fixed a crash that could occur after migrating certain iPhoto libraries to Photos
  • If Photos crashes while adding duplicate photos to an album, we now relaunch Photos and continue adding the rest of the photos
  • Fixed an issue where photo dates could be shown as 1/1/2001 if they were missing time zone info
  • The completion message shown after finishing Find Duplicates now displays correctly
  • Fixed an error that could occur when finding duplicates if a library has an empty name
  • Albums created for duplicate photos are no longer placed in a subfolder, to make them easier to find

Ignite amps emissary 2.0 download. Version 1.1.5 (released 12/27/2015)

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when selecting a library that couldn’t be found

Version 1.1.4 (released 12/26/2015)

  • Fixed a crash that could occur on startup in certain cases when a library had moved since PowerPhotos was last opened
  • Fixed an error that could occur when copying albums from the system photo library
  • Fixed a crash that could occur during long merge operations

Version 1.1.3 (released 12/11/2015)

  • Fixed a crash that can occur when merging libraries with the “Combine album contents” option enabled
  • Fixed an issue where the main “Photos” album would not appear at the top of the album list on some systems
  • Display the correct version number for libraries created with Photos 1.3
  • Fixed a bug where importing nested folders would only import a single subfolder

Version 1.1.2 (released 11/28/2015)

  • The info pane now shows how many items are in the selected library
  • We now display a warning when merging or finding duplicates in a library with the “Optimize Mac Storage” option enabled
  • We now display whether the “Optimize Mac Storage” option is enabled for the iCloud library
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when changing the duplicate rule used to determine keepers
  • Improved updating selection after removing a library
  • Fixed an issue on some systems where no photos would appear when viewing the system photo library
  • Fixed a problem where albums would sometimes not be combined properly when merging

Version 1.1.1 (released 11/16/2015)

  • Fixed a bug where trying to view the system photo library would result in a “database locked” error message
  • Fixed a problem with removing attachments in the support window
  • Fixed an error that would be displayed when using the auto-updater

Version 1.1 (released 11/3/2015)

  • Added support for copying photos, albums, and moments between libraries
  • Added support for merging Photos libraries
  • PowerPhotos now requires OS X 10.11 “El Capitan” or later
  • We now recognize the new “Screenshots” and “Selfies” albums added to Photos on El Capitan
  • Added force touch support for viewing full size photos
  • Improved updating of iCloud library status when a disk mounts or unmounts
  • Fixed a bug where renaming a library would sometimes not be allowed
  • Fixed a bug that could cause library switching to fail on certain setups
  • Fixed an issue where the edited version of some photos would not be shown when viewing the photo full size
  • Added option to sort by filename or size in grid view
  • Fixed issue where PowerPhotos would not recognize that an Aperture library had finished migrating
  • We now prevent Photos from coming to the front when migrating iPhoto libraries in the background

Version 1.0.6 (released 7/20/2015)

  • Improved accuracy of “iCloud Library” status display in library list
  • Fixed a bug where an error that occurred while duplicating a library would not be displayed to the user
  • Registration names with smart quotes now work properly
  • Worked around an occasional error that could cause switching libraries to fail
  • Fixed a hang that could occur on startup for users with a large number of libraries

Version 1.0.5 (released 6/3/2015)

  • Fixed a bug that would prevent some users from being able to create or add a library

Version 1.0.4 (released 5/29/2015)

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when analyzing duplicate photos if a photo file couldn’'‘t be read
  • Improved detection of libraries appearing/disappearing, e.g. when a disk is connected
  • Fixed a bug where some duplicate movies would not be identified when the “Compare modified” option was selected
  • Fixed a bug that could lead Photos to crash after switching libraries
  • We now display the contents of Photos libraries on case sensitive drives properly
  • Fixed an issue where selecting an Aperture library manually for migration would not add it to the migration list
  • Fixed a bug where the +/- buttons would not appear in the duplicate rule editor
  • We now display a warning when creating/adding a library in the Dropbox folder
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when loading data for the system photo library

Version 1.0.3 (released 5/7/2015)

  • Keep the duplicate browser from gradually scrolling up while adjusting the photo size
  • When bringing up the QuickLook window to browse photos on Yosemite, navigating using the arrow keys now works again
  • Fixed a hang that could occur on startup if a large number of libraries were inaccessible, e.g. on an unconnected external drive
  • Excluding hidden photos from a duplicate search now works properly with the system photo library
  • Fixed a bug where the “PowerPhotos duplicates” folder would not be created when trying to add duplicates to an album
  • We no longer show an error message when trying to launch Photos via PowerPhotos if Photos has never been launched before
  • On first launch, PowerPhotos now populates its library list with any Photos libraries that have already been migrated from iPhoto Library Manager’s library list
  • Prevent the same library from showing up in the migration list more than once
  • Fixed an issue where some movies from the system photo library would show an empty file size
  • Fixed an issue where the main window would have a slightly larger height after quitting and reopening PowerPhotos

Version 1.0.2 (released 4/27/2015)

  • Fixed instances of duplicate keyword counts not being reported correctly
  • Improved performance and reliability of applying duplicate actions to photos

Version 1.0.1 (released 4/23/2015)

  • Fixed an issue where the editor would disappear after a second when trying to rename a library
  • Added an option to exclude items already in the “PowerPhotos duplicates” folder from a duplicate search
  • Duplicate action icons now update immediately when assigning using a keyboard shortcut
  • Custom duplicate actions added using keyboard shortcuts now work properly
  • Made some changes to try to work around Photos errors when adding duplicate photos to albums or assigning keywords
  • Fixed a crash on startup when an iPhoto library in the library migration list could not be found

Version 1.0 (released 4/16/2015)

Initial release